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Monday, December 3, 2012
Classroom Comments @ 7:10 PM

Today my kids were on it. I'm pretty sure it had something to do with the full moon..but my day had a few of the following moments:
1. My home room had a "community meeting" in which we discussed the upcoming events of December and any issues within the classroom. On one occasion my favorite most-outspoken student told me that sometimes you just need a sip of water and a break. I tried SO hard to not laugh at the irony of this statement but could only hold my teacher look for so long. He was right! It was really cute and utterly hilarious.
2. My second rotation of students happened after laughing with my home room about needing to "chill." I had all of 6 combined hours of sleep for two days plus an ovarian cyst the size of a goofball. I wasn't the most "energetic" that day and after lunch the last thing I wanted to hear was one of my students HOWLING in the bathroom. I had one of the other boys go check to see if it was our student, sure enough it was. I asked the student to apologize to the class for "howling like a wolf while in the bathroom and distracting his peers from their work." That may very well be the most hilarious sentence I've put together since teaching. I had a hard time not laughing.
3. The final thing that really put the icing on the cake was when we had a video observation of a "read aloud" I did with my students. I promised them cupcakes if they did a good job listening and sure enough I've got video evidence of 21 quiet (and cute) 5th graders listening to me read a story about bullying. Bless their hearts for waving at the camera.